Read the 1st May newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150501
-Art to the park
-Nepal Earthquake fundraiser
-Parent Gym
Read the 24 April newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150424
-Attendance Winners Announced
-Parent Gym
-Old Ford Radio Launch
Can you help Old Ford Primary to win with our recycling video?
Recently we entered a ‘recycling competition‘ where we had to submit a 60 second commercial to encourage people to recycle. A group of year 6 girls did an amazing job and we got through to the last four. All four finalists were uploaded to YouTube and the one with the most views/likes will win. The winning commercial will be professionally recorded/shot and used on advertising campaigns.
Click on the link to hear our pupils’ commercial that reached the recycling competition finals.
The pupils would be really grateful if you would ‘like’ and ‘share’ their video so that we can win!
Read the 27 March newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150327
-Parental Engagement week
– Easter Holidays at the Ragged Museum in Bethnal Green
Paradigm Trust takes on fourth Academy
Paradigm Trust is growing as it takes on its fourth Academy in Ipswich-Suffolk. Ipswich Academy is the first secondary school to join our group of Academies. PT_OFPA_letter_parents_carers_230315 (1)
Read the 20 March newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150320
* Well done to everyone who donated money to Comic Relief last Friday. We raised a whopping £851.47
– Easter Event
– New medical forms
GarageBand comes to Old Ford Primary!
Pupils from year 5 composed music and sound effects for a topic-linked advert as part of a project using Garageband on iMac computers.
Pupils watched the original advert, observed the teacher begin to create a soundtrack and were then given free reign over their own. The group appraised the original music, discussed how it suited the mood and purpose of the advert, and considered this in their own work .
Listen via our YouTube channel!
Read the 6 March newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150306
– New attendance project across the school
– Red nose day
Advice on keeping children and young people safe against radicalisation and extremism
The local authority has produced the following leaflet to provide advice to parents, carers and families:
Read the 27 February newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter.