“The Lion King” – A ROARING SUCCESS!
GarageBand comes to Old Ford Primary in Key stage 1
GarageBand comes to KS1!
20 children from years 1 & 2 were chosen to compose and produce their own music using Apple GarageBand in a 3 week project with music specialist Joe Allen.
From Adam’s epic “DJ Adam” to Zahraa’s masterpiece “Exciting Music”, the children wowed their peers in a special sharing assembly before half term. Each child received a certificate of achievement for their excellent music.
You can listen on the school youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-s_Kh1y2uoAIahHEhbPpA
Read the 22nd May newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150522
-Garage band comes to KS1
-Roman Road adventure playground
-Half Term Break Dates
Read the 15th May newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150515
-Tudor Celebration Day
-Healthy Schools information
-Half Term Break Dates
Read the 8th May newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150508
-Art to the park
-Nepal Earthquake fundraiser
-Parent Gym
Career opportunities within Paradigm Trust
Paradigm Trust is currently recruiting for:
teaching assistants (to be based at Old Ford Primary)
Applications are warmly invited from those who feel they have the relevant skills, experience, drive and ambition.
Please see attached documents for more information. OFPA-Teaching-Assistant-advert_May15
Read the 1st May newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150501
-Art to the park
-Nepal Earthquake fundraiser
-Parent Gym
Read the 24 April newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150424
-Attendance Winners Announced
-Parent Gym
-Old Ford Radio Launch
Can you help Old Ford Primary to win with our recycling video?
Recently we entered a ‘recycling competition‘ where we had to submit a 60 second commercial to encourage people to recycle. A group of year 6 girls did an amazing job and we got through to the last four. All four finalists were uploaded to YouTube and the one with the most views/likes will win. The winning commercial will be professionally recorded/shot and used on advertising campaigns.
Click on the link to hear our pupils’ commercial that reached the recycling competition finals.
The pupils would be really grateful if you would ‘like’ and ‘share’ their video so that we can win!
Read the 27 March newsletter
Read about our latest news at Old Ford Primary in our weekly newsletter. Newsletter 20150327
-Parental Engagement week
– Easter Holidays at the Ragged Museum in Bethnal Green