What makes our school outstanding?
Pupils who come to this school make exceptional progress, they leave school in year 6 with outstanding outcomes. This is due to the quality of teaching and overall provision.
Outstanding achievement
All groups of pupils at OFPA consistently achieve outstanding results in national assessments.
The achievement of OFPA disadvantaged pupils is outstanding. Disadvantaged pupils at OFPA outperform their national counterparts and do as well as, or better than ‘other’ pupils nationally.
In the most recent assessments, OFPA pupils exceeded national averages across all areas and age ranges.
Quality of teaching
The teachers and all staff working in classrooms at this school work hard to make their teaching outstanding. We expect to see over 60% of teaching that is outstanding every day.
What we provide in addition to what is expected:
- Full time places for all pupils in the nursery with additional staffing that gives a 1:7 ratio throughout nursery and reception.
- Daily/weekly marking and feedback to pupils.
- ICT access in school and at home – English, mathematics and other subjects.
- A range of high quality experiences for educational visits to support learning including residential visits in year 5 and year 6.
- Homework daily/weekly and during holiday periods.
- A range of after school clubs, lunchtime clubs and holiday provision e.g a visit to see London landmarks including the Duck Tour into the River Thames! During the spring break pupils attended a daily multi – sports programme ending with a tournament against other schools.
- Home school support worker, attendance and welfare advisor, social worker, specialist speech and language therapist, learning mentors.
- The school provides many different after school clubs every week. These include drama, gifted and talented club, art and design, ICT as well as homework support and sports clubs led by professional sports coaches. These clubs are available to KS1 and KS2 pupils.
Nursery – home visits, visits to school in July, intervention in August, settling in activities, holiday toilet training, groups to build confidence and to develop social skills, speech and language groups, story tent, toddler group for prospective pupils, boys group, football, art and dance 3’o clock club.
Reception – home visits for pupils new to our school, visits in the summer term, parents’ intervention group, nurture groups, interventions for boys to engage them in learning, holiday intervention programmes, communication groups, gifted and talented club, football, art, cooking and library after school clubs.
Year 1 – reading recovery for pupils who have not learnt to read (daily programme), mathematics booster, homework club, how to socialise better club.
Year 2 – speech and language intervention, hand writing and spelling intervention, ICT maths whizz and homework club and additional afterschool writing intervention.
Year 3 – mathematics and reading additional learning, nurture group, Room 13 art and design holiday programme into university.
Year 4 – additional learning sessions for identified pupils occur before, during and after school on various days of the week: Spelling, maths whizz, reading comprehension, number systems and timetables; clubs include reading, into university, homework, Room 13, drama and football.
Year 5 – girls’ group, boys’ group, games group, learning mentor.
Year 6 – additional teaching before school/after school/assembly/ x3 Saturday mornings for all pupils in April/May, small group teaching, 1:1 reading support, business reading partners, maths whizz, Spring break learning programme in English and mathematics, homework club and friendship group
For pupils with disabilities and/or special educational needs – specialist speech and language therapy in foundation stage, speech and language groups in the foundation stage, one to one full time support, medical needs training, advice and support, visual timetables, outreach work from special school for autistic children, therapeutic input, friendship group, care plans.